Welcome to Breakthrough Living



I’m here to give you the strength and courage to change the way you see your life and your relationship.

What does that mean?

Well…have you ever wondered what it might be like to go to the moon in your lifetime?

How exhilarated you would be?

How powerful you would feel?

How amazing everything else would suddenly seem?

And imagine what you would change in your life if you felt that way?

That’s the kind of life I guide you towards living–and what I’ve helped hundreds (probably thousands by this point) of other people do, too.

From patients who have found their voice to change their jobs and overcome serious marital issues, to others who were finally able to understand themselves and work through trauma, low self-esteem, and even debilitating anxiety…

You’d be amazed by what just one appointment with me can do for you.

Therapy isn’t just about drudging through the past and talking about painful childhood memories.

It’s about understanding who you are…and leaving the past behind.

It’s about literally opening and reshaping your mind. (I will open your eyes to the power of how you can do this).

It’s about being connected to your body and ‘getting its signals’ in life’s situations…(it knows more than you think).

And it’s about you moving forward and into your future–even if you don’t know what that looks like yet.

With so many years of professional experience, along with the life-changing tools and information I’ve acquired and have used on one successful patient after another–what you can learn will change the way you see your life.

So how can you get started?

I encourage you to read more about who I am and vet my credentials over on my about page…

…And go on over and read the blog  where I talk about the special tools and solutions you can apply to your personal life and romantic relationship…the ones that have done wonders for my clients.

And most importantly…

If you feel like something here jumped out at you and you’re curious about my services and how I can help you…

Make an appointment today by going here and just fill out the form.

And make the first step towards changing your life.

Here’s to you landing on your ‘moon’!